I believe that knowledge is power. Knowledge will lead to change and change... is power. 

Every single week a statistic adds to a number that I refer to as Goal Zero. I'm referring to the number of heat related vehicular deaths along with the number of drowning deaths reported in the US each year specifically for the ages of 0-5.

You sit at home or go to work and turn on social media. Article after article pops up and your heart sinks. The innocence of a child lost due to an accident. A child just left inside a hot car to bake to death. Another that was having fun at a pool party with friends and silently went under. The chaos of a party and no one is the wiser. 

This movement we create together is aimed at eliminating the following gut wrenching numbers. My goal? To reach Goal Zero.  

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an average of 38 children die in hot car related incidents per year. That is more than 3 children per month. 

In the last 25 years, approximately 954 children have died to this same cause.

Want a scary thought. A fever for a Child is considered 100.4 or higher and if you have ever felt a child with a fever or experienced one yourself, you'd know that's pretty warm. Now think about this, Heat Stroke starts at approximately 104 degrees. Then you have a slow increase to approximately 107 degrees. This point is when death occurs according to NHTSA. These are unexpected tragedies and unfortunately an all too often event. With your help we can become Guardians and spread awareness. 



This hits close to home. As a former Police Officer I have responded to incidents regarding reported drownings or children found underwater. One specifically located at a well known resort filled with people. Again, it happens silently and with no warning. You may truly be the most cautious person alive, but when you think someone else has eyes on or they are thinking the same, now there is zero eyes on the pool. I can say here that it happens and you can believe me, or, you can read the following statistics.


Leading cause of death for ages 1-4? Drowning. This is according to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) report dated June 8,2023.

The numbers for drownings are staggering. There are approximately 6,300 Emergency Department records regarding non-fatal drownings per year. That's over 17 drowning related incidents per day...17.

2019 - 254 Children Fatally Drowned

2020 - 279 Children Fatally Drowned

350. That is the number that die on average in the United States from drowning per year according to CPSC. 


We can do our part. We can be the change. We can be their Guardian Angels by just spreading awareness. It may be that one time your talking about our cause or wearing the logo that is the difference. You are a Guardian. 




National Highway Traffic Safety Administration  (n.d.)  Check the Backseat. NHTSA  https://www.nhtsa.gov/campaign/heatstroke


Null, Jan, CCM (07-19-2023). Heatstroke Deaths of Children in Vehicles.  NoHeatStroke.org  https://www.noheatstroke.org/


United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) (06-08-2023). CPSC Issues New Drowning Report with Child Fatalities; Reminder for Extra Water Safety Vigilance. CPSC. https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2023/CPSC-Issues-New-Drowning-Report-with-Child-Fatalities-Reminder-for-Extra-Water-Safety-Vigilance


Pool Safely (06-08-2023). CPSC Issues New Drowning Report with Child Fatalities; Reminder for Extra Water Safety Vigilance. Pool Safely.  https://www.poolsafely.gov/news/cpsc-issues-new-drowning-report-with-child-fatalities-reminder-for-extra-water-safety-vigilance/


Pool Safely (07-11-2023). New CPSC Drowning Data Calls for Caution this Swim Season. Pool Safely. https://www.poolsafely.gov/blog/new-cpsc-drowning-data-calls-for-caution-this-swim-season/


MomsTeam (n.d.) Grim Statistics On Child Drownings. Moms Team  https://www.momsteam.com/sports/swimming/safety/grim-statistics-on-child-drownings?page=0%2C0












eath occurrs at 107 degrees.